====== BCPSN Checkins ======
The latest upgrade of my [[/links/netspreadsheet |Net Roll Call Spreadsheet]] has a tab that queries the [[http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/025.nsf/eng/h_00004.html |ISED Database]]. So tonight, I logged every Canadian station that I heard (or heard relayed) and looked at the distribution of qualifications of the people who checked in.
Out of 126 stations:
* 9% only have Basic (+ some Morse)
* 31% only have Basic with Honours
* 60% have Advanced
{{ :blog:2020-10-13:qual.png }}
* 44% have no morse
* 10% have 5WPM
* 45% have 12WPM
{{ :blog:2020-10-13:morse.png }}