~~NOTOC~~ ====== About The Test ====== The exam consists of 100 questions divided into 8 topics: * 25 questions on Regulations and Policies (//B-001//) * 9 questions on Operating procedures (//B-002//) * 21 questions on Station Assembly, Practice and Safety (//B-003//) * 6 questions on Circuit Components (//B-004//) * 13 questions on Basic Electronics and Theory (//B-005//) * 13 questions on Feedlines and Antenna Systems (//B-006//) * 8 questions on Radio Wave Propagation (//B-007//) * 5 questions on Interference and Suppression (//B-008//) ====== More Details ====== More specifically, there will be one question chosen from each of the following sub-categories:((See [[http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf01008.html#s5.1]] and RIC-3, Sec2, pp.4–7, 9)) ===== B-001 Regulations and Policies ===== * 1-1 radio licences, applicability, eligibility of licence holder * 1-2 licence fee, term, posting requirements, change of address * 1-3 licence suspension or revocation, powers of radio inspectors, offences and punishments * 1-4 operator certificates, applicability, eligibility, equivalents, reciprocal recognition * 1-5 operation, repair and maintenance of radio apparatus on behalf of other persons * 1-6 operation of radio apparatus, terms of licence, applicable standards, exempt apparatus * 1-7 content restrictions - non-superfluous, profanity, secret code, music, non-commercial * 1-8 installation and operating restrictions - number of stations, repeaters, home-built, club stations * 1-9 participation in communications by visitors, use of station by others * 1-10 interference, determination, protection from interference * 1-11 emergency communications (real or simulated), communication with non-amateur stations * 1-12 non-remuneration, privacy of communications * 1-13 station identification, call signs, prefixes * 1-14 foreign amateur operation in Canada, banned countries, third-party messages * 1-15 frequency bands and qualification requirements * 1-16 maximum bandwidth by frequency bands * 1-17 restrictions on capacity and power output by qualifications * 1-18 unmodulated carriers, retransmission * 1-19 amplitude modulation, frequency stability, measurements * 1-20 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations, applicability * 1-21 operation outside Canada, ITU regions, reciprocal privileges, international licences * 1-22 examinations - Department's fees, delegated examinations, fees, disabled accommodation * 1-23 antenna structure approval, neighbour and land-use authority consultation * 1-24 radio frequency electromagnetic field limits * 1-25 criteria for resolution of radio frequency interference complaints ===== B-002 Operating and Procedures ===== * 2-1 voice operating procedures - channelized VHF/UHF repeater * 2-2 phonetic alphabet * 2-3 voice operating procedures - simplex VHF/UHF and HF * 2-4 tuneups and testing, use of dummy load, courteous operation * 2-5 Morse (CW) operating procedures, procedural signs * 2-6 RST system of signal reporting, use of S meter * 2-7 Q signals * 2-8 emergency operating procedures * 2-9 record keeping, confirmation practices, maps/charts, antenna orientation ===== B-003 Station Assembly, Practice and Safety ===== * 3-1 functional layout of HF stations * 3-2 functional layout of FM transmitters * 3-3 functional layout of FM receivers * 3-4 functional layout of CW transmitters * 3-5 functional layout of SSB)/CW receivers * 3-6 functional layout of SSB transmitters * 3-7 functional layout of digital systems * 3-8 functional layout of regulated power supplies * 3-9 functional layout of Yagi-Uda antennas * 3-10 receiver fundamentals * 3-11 transmitter, carrier, keying, and amplitude modulation fundamentals * 3-12 carrier suppression, SSB fundamentals * 3-13 frequency and phase modulation fundamentals * 3-14 station accessories for telegraphy, radiotelephony, digital modes * 3-15 digital mode fundamentals RTTY, ASCII, AMTOR, packet * 3-16 cells and batteries, types, ratings, charging * 3-17 power supply fundamentals * 3-18 electrical hazards, electrical safety, security * 3-19 electrical safety ground, capacitor discharge, fuse replacement * 3-20 antenna and tower safety, lightning protection * 3-21 exposure of human body to RF, safety precautions ===== B-004 Circuit Components ===== * 4-1 amplifier fundamentals * 4-2 diode fundamentals * 4-3 bipolar transistor fundamentals * 4-4 field-effect transistor fundamentals * 4-5 triode vacuum tube fundamentals * 4-6 resistor colour codes, tolerances, temperature coefficient ===== B-005 Basic Electronics and Theory ===== * 5-1 metric prefixes – pico, micro, milli, centi, kilo, mega, giga * 5-2 concepts of current, voltage, conductor, insulator, resistance * 5-3 concepts of energy and power, open and short circuits * 5-4 Ohm’s law - single resistors * 5-5 series and parallel resistors * 5-6 power law, resistor power dissipation * 5-7 AC, sinewave, frequency, frequency units * 5-8 ratios, logarithms, decibels * 5-9 introduction to inductance, capacitance * 5-10 introduction to reactance, impedance * 5-11 introduction to magnetics, transformers * 5-12 introduction to resonance, tuned circuits * 5-13 introduction to meters and measurements ===== B-006 Feedlines and Antenna Systems ===== * 6-1 feed line characteristics, characteristic impedance * 6-2 balanced and unbalanced feed lines, baluns * 6-3 popular antenna feed line and coaxial connector types * 6-4 line losses by line type, length and frequency * 6-5 standing waves, standing wave ratio, SWR) meter * 6-6 concept of impedance matching * 6-7 isotropic source, polarization via element orientation * 6-8 wavelength vs physical length * 6-9 gain, directivity, radiation pattern, antenna bandwidth * 6-10 vertical antennas - types, dimensions, characteristics * 6-11 Yagi antennas - types, dimensions, characteristics * 6-12 wire antennas - types, dimensions, characteristics * 6-13 quad/loop antennas - types, dimensions, characteristics ===== B-007 Radio Wave Propagation ===== * 7-1 line of sight, ground wave, ionospheric wave (sky wave) * 7-2 ionosphere, ionospheric regions (layers) * 7-3 propagation hops, skip zone, skip distance * 7-4 ionospheric absorption, causes and variation, fading, phase shift, Faraday rotation * 7-5 solar activity, sunspots, sunspot cycle * 7-6 MF and HF, critical and maximum useable frequencies, solar flux * 7-7 VHF and UHF, sporadic E, aurora, ducting * 7-8 scatter - HF, VHF, UHF ===== B-008 Interference and Suppression ===== * 8-1 front-end overload, cross-modulation * 8-2 audio rectification, bypass capacitors, ferrites * 8-3 intermodulation, spurious, key-clicks * 8-4 harmonics, splatter, transmitter adjustments * 8-5 use of filters: low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-reject