~~NOTOC~~ ====== Linking and Viewing PDFs ====== There are many ways to link, view, or create PDFs in Dokuwiki. ===== External Links ===== The first way to link to an external pdf is to use ''%%[[ ]]%%'' brackets as one would for links: ^Code ^Result^ |''%%[[https://bcarcc.org/twometre.pdf]]%%'' |[[https://bcarcc.org/twometre.pdf]]| |''%%[[https://bcarcc.org/twometre.pdf|Two Metre Repeaters]]%%'' |[[https://bcarcc.org/twometre.pdf|Two Metre Repeaters]]| This works, but notice the "Earth" icon on the left of the link, identifying that it's a link to an external webpage. We can change this identifying icon to a PDF by using the ''%%{{ }}%%'' brackets instead, which are also used for images: ^Code ^Result^ |''%%{{https://bcarcc.org/twometre.pdf}}%%'' |{{https://bcarcc.org/twometre.pdf}}| |''%%{{https://bcarcc.org/twometre.pdf|Two Metre Repeaters}}%%'' |{{https://bcarcc.org/twometre.pdf|Two Metre Repeaters}}| ===== Internal Links ===== These brackets also work for internal files that are stored on our server (like images): ^Code ^Result^ |''%%{{/links/twometre.pdf |}}%%'' |{{/links/twometre.pdf |}}| |''%%{{/links/twometre.pdf |Two Metre Repeaters}}%%'' |{{/links/twometre.pdf |Two Meter Repeaters}}| Using the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:pdfjs |PDF.js Plugin]], it's also possible to display a local pdf in a window. For example, {{pdfjs 600px,300px>/links/twometre.pdf}} gives: {{pdfjs 600px,300px>/links/twometre.pdf}} Note, that the width (''600px'') and length (''300px'') parameters are optional. Also, this doesn't work with external links. ===== Export Page To PDF ===== {{ /links/exporttopdf.png}}Finally, thanks to the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:dw2pdf |DW2PDF Plugin]], Dokuwiki pages can be easily exported as PDFs using the PDF icon on the right hand side of the page. Sometimes, it is useful to add an Export link in the text. This can be done by adding ''?do=export_pdf'' at the end of a URL. Quick caveat: counter intuitively, this time, the ''%%[[ ]]%%'' brackets must be used: ^Code ^Result ^ |''%%[[/links/linking_and_viewing_pdfs?do=export_pdf |Export This Page to PDF]]%%'' |[[/links/linking_and_viewing_pdfs?do=export_pdf|Export This Page to PDF]]| But to simplify this process further and add the fancy PDF icon, I manually added ''mpdf'' -> ''%%{NAME}?do=export_pdf%%'' to the InterWiki Links configuration file with the PDF icon so that this can be used instead: ^Code ^Result ^ |''%%[[mpdf>/links/linking_and_viewing_pdfs |Export This Page to PDF]]%%'' |[[mpdf>/links/linking_and_viewing_pdfs |Export This Page to PDF]]| Or, if the page to export is the one containing the link, this works too: ^Code ^Result ^ |''%%[[mpdf>|Export This Page to PDF]]%%'' |[[mpdf>|Export This Page to PDF]]| When writing a page that will likely get exported, it's useful to be able to manually start a new page. The [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:pagebreak |Pagebreak Plugin]] allows this using ''%%%%''. The best example of this is the [[/ecomm/scec |Sunshine Coast Emergency Communications]] page, which was created to be printed. ===== Plugins ===== A full list of all installed plugins can be found at the end of the [[links:syntax#syntax_plugins|Syntax]] page.