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JS8Call Now Faster (or Slower)

At the beginning of December, JS8Call released their version 2.0, adding two faster transmission speeds (Fast and Turbo). This week, 2.1 was released, adding a Slow speed that can work in even weaker SNR conditions.

Mode Bandwidth Speed Frame Length Mininum SNR
Slow 25 Hz 8 WPM 30 seconds -28 dB
Normal 50 Hz 16 WPM 15 seconds -24 dB
Fast 80 Hz 24 WPM 10 seconds -20 dB
Turbo 160 Hz 40 WPM 6 seconds -18 dB

The new MULTI decoder can decode all four speeds at once.

A few weeks ago, I gave it a quick spin and got copied on “Turbo” by a station near Boston at -13 dB on 80 m (at 22:30).