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Canada Day Field Day 2022

A belated Canada Day Field Day 2022 report.

The dipole was raised to a very respectable height, 2M Yagi got strapped to a tent post, the 20m vertical was erected on the front lawn. Of 63 contacts made via 40m, 20m, 15m, 2M, 33 were with Canadian stations, 32 with US stations and one with SM5X, a Swedish call sign. But, QTH of SM5X was not confirmed. During ~ 9 hours over two days, VE7RG Bill and VE7TBP Marc contributed 18 CW contacts and nearly all operators present took a turn on phone calling “CQ contest”.

Save for a repaired connection at the dipole feed point, (thanks Yuri for spotting that failed connection!), the event went without a hitch.

Thank you to Caitlin and Robert for offering up their place and equipment for this event!

Dipole raising: