Table of Contents

Sunshine Coast Emergency Communications

PDFs To Print

Initial Actions in the Event of an Emergency

In the event of a significant emergency affecting communications across the Sunshine Coast, all amateur radio operators should:

It is unlikely that VE7SCE will use HF for local communications on the Sunshine Coast, however relays may be required for another station on frequency and operators should monitor EMBC or BCPSN HF frequencies if able to do so.

Declaration of State of Emergency by the SCRD EOC

The following will be broadcast from VE7SCE on VE7RXZ 147.220 MHz +0.6 T100.0 and/or on simplex frequencies:

Taking Control of the Net

  • This is VE7SCE – Sunshine Coast Regional District Emergency Operations Centre, Sechelt, British Columbia.
  • A [LOCAL / REGIONAL / PROVINCIAL] State of Emergency has been declared, I say again:
    a [LOCAL / REGIONAL / PROVINCIAL] State of Emergency has been declared.
  • This frequency is now in use by the SCRD Emergency Operations Centre - VE7SCE - all stations not having emergency traffic are requested to remain clear.
  • If you have traffic concerning safety of life or property in the Sunshine Coast Regional District, and you are unable to contact 911, relay your traffic to this station.
  • Otherwise, if it is safe to do so, all station operators within the SCRD region are requested to remain monitoring this frequency as your assistance may be requested.
  • This is VE7SCE, SCRD EOC Net Control monitoring...

Taking Check ins

  • This is VE7SCE – Sunshine Coast Regional District Emergency Operations Centre, Sechelt, British Columbia.
  • Stations within the SCRD region are requested to check in now with your callsign, name and location.
  • Once checked in you must inform SCRD Net Control if you intend to leave the frequency.
  • This is VE7SCE standing by ...

As we share a frequency with W7AVM on Whidbey Island in Washington State, the full SCRD name and location will be used initially to avoid any confusion should our traffic be heard south of the border.

HF Emergency Frequencies

Sources: and FIXME: find exact pages to link to.

Description Frequency [MHz] Mode
EMBC 80m Primary Night 3.735 LSB Phone
EMBC 80m Secondary Night 3.745 LSB Phone
EMBC 40m Primary Day 7.060 LSB Phone
EMBC 40m Secondary Day 7.070 LSB Phone
VE7SWF South West EMBC PREOC 14.135 USB Phone
VE7SWF South West EMBC PREOC 21.120 USB Phone
VE7RBH Smithers, BC Winlink RMS 3.623.50 / 7.063 USB DATA
WASHST 01 Washington State 3.985 LSB Phone
WASHST 02 Washington State 3.994 LSB Phone
WASHST 03 Washington State 7.245 LSB Phone
BCPSN: BC Public Service Net 3.729 LSB Phone
ALASKA Emergency Net 14.292 USB Phone
EMCOM A 3.675 LSB Phone
EMCOM B 7.135 LSB Phone
EMCOM C 14.135 USB Phone
EMCOM D 18.135 USB Phone
EMCOM E 21.235 USB Phone
EMCOM F 28.235 USB Phone
OREGON 3.980 LSB Phone

National HF Emergency Communications Frequencies

Source: RAC

The following frequencies and modes have been pre-determined for suggested use of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service during a declared emergency, or a disaster declared or otherwise, occurring anywhere in Canada. These frequencies have been registered with the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) for its listings of Canadian national emergency frequencies in IARU Region 2.

These are suggested frequencies and should not be construed as meaning that other HF frequencies may not be considered for Emcomm operations.

No Amateur Radio operator or group has exclusive ownership of any particular frequency on any band and, while common sense and courtesy logically would dictate that other Radio Amateurs should keep clear of frequencies being used for emergency or disaster operations, the affected ARES Net Control Station (NCS) must be prepared to move up or down from the pre-determined frequency, as required, in order to conduct operations. Entering into an on-air argument must be avoided.

Single Sideband CW Digital
Band Frequency Tactical Frequency Tactical Frequency Tactical
80 M 3.675 MHz LSB Alfa 3.535 MHz Golf 3.596 MHz Mike
40 M 7.135 MHz LSB Bravo 7.035 MHz Hotel 7.096 MHz November
20 M 14.135 MHz USB Charlie 14.035 MHz India 14.096 MHz Oscar
17 M 18.135 MHz USB Delta 18.075 MHz Juliet 18.096 MHz Papa
15 M 21.235 MHz USB Echo 21.035 MHz Kilo 21.096 MHz Quebec
10 M 28.235 MHz USB Foxtrot 28.035 MHz Lima 28.096 MHz Romeo

Other Frequencies

Regular Emergency Nets

Net Day Time Frequency
Alaska Emergency Net Mon ‒ Fri 09:30 LT 14.292 MHz
Canadian Red Cross Net Sundays 11:00 PST
noon PDT
14.125 MHz
BC Public Service Net Daily 17:30 PST
18:30 PDT
3.729 MHz
VE7PEP SimplexΔ Wednesdays 18:30 ‒ 19:10 LT 147.570 MHz
VE7PEP HF Wednesdays 19:00 LT 3.735 MHz
VE7PEP ITS Wednesdays 19:15 ‒ 19:40 LT Island Trunk System
BC and Yukon NTS Net Daily 19:30 LT 3.716 MHz

Δ The purpose of the net is to make contact with EOCs in the Capital Regional District.
The purpose of the net is to make contact with EOCs in the Vancouver Island Region (VIR) as well as interested amateurs in the VIR. Each of the Regional Districts in the VIR are called in sequence.

Island Trunk System

City Callsign Frequency Offset Tone
Sayward VE7RNC 146.700141.3
→ Port McNeill VE7RNI 146.940
→ Woss Lake VE7RWV 146.880
→ Campbell River VE7RVR 146.820
→ Mt. Washington VE7NIR 443.700 + 141.3
Nanaimo VA7DJA 145.430141.3
→ Mt. Benson VA7ITS 444.725 + 141.3
→ Port Alberni VE7RPA 147.150 + 141.3
→ Tofino VE7TOF 146.880141.3
→ Mt. Brenton VE7AQW 146.680141.3
→ Mt. Brenton VE7AQW 442.600 + 141.3

The trunk has two main interconnected nodes: Sayward, and Nanaimo. The other repeaters are connected to either one of these two nodes.1)

Source:, Map from NIARS


SCEP Details

Source: SCRD ECT/SCRD EOC Communications Diagram/ scrdschematic.jpg

VE7SCE Radio Stations

Data/Comms Position 1 Kenwood TM-D710GA VHF/UHF
Data/Comms Position 2 Kenwood TM-D710GA VHF/UHF
Comms/Pactor Position 1 Kenwood TM-D710GA VHF/UHF
Kenwood TS480HX 200W HF
SCS DR7400 Pactor
LDG 200 PRO II Auto Antenna Tuner
Comms/Data Position 2 Kenwood TM-D710GA VHF/UHF
SCRD Trunk Radio Installed on Buses/SCRD Service & Parks Vehicles.
Repeater on Mt. Benson & VE7RXZ as SCA 147.220 MHz is programmed into all SCRD Trunk radio
SCEP 6 is the dedicated Emergency Program channel

Contact Information


Emergency Preparedness

Sources: PreparedBC,

Basic emergency kit


Flowchart of ITS created using with:
Nanaimo VA7DJA 145.430− 141.3->UHF link->Mt Brenton VE7AQW 146.680− 141.3 442.600+ 141.3
Nanaimo VA7DJA 145.430− 141.3->UHF link->Mt Benson VA7ITS 444.725+ 141.3 
Nanaimo VA7DJA 145.430− 141.3->internet link->Tofino VE7TOF 146.880− 141.3 (REPEATER DOWN)
Nanaimo VA7DJA 145.430− 141.3->?? link->Port Alberni VE7RPA 147.150+ 141.3 (TRUNK LINK DOWN)
Sayward VE7RNC 146.700− 141.3->220 link->Nanaimo VA7DJA 145.430− 141.3
Sayward VE7RNC 146.700− 141.3->UHF link->Mt Washington VE7NIR 443.700+ 141.3
Sayward VE7RNC 146.700− 141.3->220 link->Campbell River VE7RVR 146.820− 141.3
Sayward VE7RNC 146.700− 141.3->220 link->Woss Lake VE7RWV 146.880−
Sayward VE7RNC 146.700− 141.3->220 LINK->Port McNeill Airport Relay
Port McNeill Airport Relay->UHF LINK->Port McNeill VE7RNI 146.940−