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Winter Field Day Logs

A huge thanks to all those who participated in the Winter Field Day event this year. As you could probably tell, we're more into the socializing (and eating!) aspect than getting points... But for those who are curious, I just compiled the logs from the two stations we had and submitted them. Here's the summary:

  • Between using phone (PH), digital (DG), and CW, we got a multiplier of 9 with a total of 32 contacts.
  • Since phone contacts are worth 1 point and DG and CW contacts are worth 2, we got 378 points from QSOs.
  • Added to that is an extra 2000 points for not using commercial power, operating outdoors, setting up away from home, and setting up temporary antennas.
  • So our total should be 2378

Here's the breakdown of how many stations we contacted on which mode and band:

blog/2023-01-28/winter_field_day_logs.1674955428.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/28 17:23 by va7fi