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If you’re interested in having your own mesh phone extension on our local PBX, please reach out to our

Most of our users have Cisco SPA303 or SPA5xx series devices, however any IP Phone with SIP firmware will function.

  • We have a weekly AREDN net every other Sunday on our conference line, and zoom meetings alternating Sunday’s each at 7pm respectively.
  • Here is our local phone directory.
  • More information from
  • More information from this thread.

Cisco SPA525G2 Setup

Here are Devan's instructions to setup a Cisco SPA525G2 phone:

  1. Find the IP address of your phone by looking for your phone in the list under your AREDN node’s Port Forwarding, DHCP, And Services tab. It will be listed under the “Current DHCP Leases” list.
  2. Open a web browser and enter you phone’s IP address, and navigate to the “Admin Login” and “advanced” pages.
  3. Click on “System” Tab and enter a host name you want for your phone and change the NTP server as shown. You can also setup an admin password if you like.
  4. Click on Regional tab next. Match the setting that are highlighted. If we are in daylights savings time say yes, if not say no. Click on Submit All changes
  5. Click on the “Phone” Tab. Choose what you want your station name and display name to be. *97 is voicemail. Your line key 1 will be 1 and short name can be what you want your line 1 key to be called. This can be your call sign and the extension number you were assigned. You can also setup multiple phone lines attached to other PBX systems like Ham Shack Hotline etc. If you have that info for your other lines, you would add it into your “line key 2/ 3/ 4” settings.
  6. To program your spare line keys to act as speed dial buttons follow the highlighted settings as a template for your extra line keys. Note the extension numbers for the contacts you want to add by finding them in the local phone directory. These numbers correspond with the entry you would make. The conference call number is 2400 as in the example. Save your settings.
  7. Click on the “EXT 1” Tab. Enter the Proxy seen here. Enter your Display name you want. Enter your extension number and password assigned to you. Save your settings. The phone will reboot. You should then see your line 1 key light up green and any of the speed dial keys light up green. If not check your settings again for any typos. If you need help troubleshooting, send an email over the and someone will help you out.
  8. Click “ATT Console” and match the highlighted setting.
  9. If you have an Attendance Console (sidecar) and would like to program the speed dial buttons, follow the example here. Make sure you change the extension number and the name for the contact you want to add. Here's a printout for the SPA500S Sidecar.
howto/aredn/voip/home.1636471479.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/09 07:24 by va7fi