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howto:newhams [2020/09/20 17:34] – [Welcome to the Amateur Radio] va7fihowto:newhams [2024/07/29 15:39] (current) – [Where to Buy] va7fi
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 ====== Welcome to the Amateur Radio ====== ====== Welcome to the Amateur Radio ======
-This page lists basic information that new hams are probably wondering about For information specific to our club, see [[/howto/newmembers |this page]].+This page lists basic information to help new hams get started with the hobby. For information specific to our club, see [[/howto/newmembers |this page]].
 ===== What to Buy ===== ===== What to Buy =====
-Traditionally, the major radio brands were Icom, Yeasu, and Kenwood.  Recently, though many Chinese radios have appeared on the market that can be much cheaper (both in cost and quality).+Traditionally, the major radio brands have been Icom, Yeasu, and Kenwood.  Recently, many Chinese radios have appeared on the market that can be much cheaper (both in cost and quality).  As a result, many new hams get a Baofeng handheld as their first radio.  Unfortunately, the issue with (only) using a handheld is that even though they might hear the local repeaters just fine, they often have difficulties talking to them because of their lower power. 
 +In general, the antenna is the most important part of the system and the radio is the least important.  So for those on a budget, the **minimum** setup should consist of an external antenna (mounted on the side of the house or on a balcony for example), with a cheap Chinese mobile radio like the [[ | QYT KT-8900]].  That being said, if you can afford a good radio from one of the big three, they are well worth it. 
 +A very good basic antenna is the [[ |Comet GP-3]].  If the coax line is not too long, RG-8x works, but if you're able to mount the antenna higher (and height makes a huge difference!), then it's worth buying good coax like LMR-400. 
 +Finally, ham radios usually run on 12V (13.8V to be more precise), so you'll also need a power supply, which are rated in Amperage.  With only one (basic VHF/UHF) radio, you'll need at least 5A.  The club has a bunch of these low output power supply so ask us to borrow one.  Eventually, though, you'll want a power supply that can provide at least 20A so that you can power more equipment.  
 ===== Where to Buy ===== ===== Where to Buy =====
-Looking to buy some equipment, check out these pages:+Now that you're ready to buy some equipment, check out these pages:
   * [[/links#amateur_radio_equipment_retailers |Retailers]]   * [[/links#amateur_radio_equipment_retailers |Retailers]]
-  * Our club's [[memberscorner/inventory |Inventory]] page.+  * Our club's [[memberscorner/buyandsell |Buy and Sell]] page.
 +And ask around for opinions.  Also, if you google a radio and add "eham" to the search term, you'll get some very good reviews.
 ===== Frequencies ===== ===== Frequencies =====
howto/newhams.1600648493.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/20 17:34 by va7fi