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For New Members

Website Access

Once you've paid your dues, Steven will add your information to the Member Contact Info page, and Patrick will email you your user ID to log into the site. This will allow you to access the Members' section, which contains contact information, meeting minutes, and other links.

You'll also be able to help edit and grow the site if you feel comfortable doing so. For example:

  • First, have a look at the Syntax How-To page to see what the editing process looks like.
  • If you want to add/edit a section to an existing page, go ahead. If you want to add a brand new page, maybe check with Patrick first.
  • You can also add a News Feed item to our front page by clicking on the link in the Sidebar. Have a look at our current News Feed to see what type of posts are there. Anything ham related or of interest to our club can be posted there. The more from different people the better!
  • Finally, all the changes made are tracked and archived by the wiki so don't be too worry about breaking something. If this happens, just let Patrick know and he'll be able to reverse the changes easily. You can also reverse the changes, it's not too hard.

Club Events

Our calendar of events, on the right hand side of the screen contains all of the club events as well as some other events that might be of interest to our members. Clicking on any of the events (in green) will expend it and show more details. On mobile devices, the sidebar (which contains the calendar and other links) is condensed in one tab. Clicking on this tab will reveal its content.

howto/newmembers.1567917337.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/07 21:35 by ve7hzf