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Radio Programming

Every radio operates differently, and once programmed, it's easy to forget how to set up new frequencies (especially if there's a repeater offset and tone involved).

In the spirit of emergency preparedness, here are quick reference guides on how to program different radios. The aim is to condense on one page that can be printed, everything that is needed to setup a new frequency in VFO mode with the proper offset and tone. This is a list in progress, please feel free to post your own list here or email it to Patrick if you need help.

Radio Reference Guides Other
Icom IC-207H Libre Office, PDF
Kenwood TM-D710G Libre Office, PDF
QYT KT-8900 Libre Office, PDF Menu List
Baofeng UV-5R Libre Office, PDF Chirp
AT-100Pro II AutotunnerLibre Office, PDF

Example: IC-207H


Here are frequencies programmed on VA7FI's radios (updated on Jan 4, 2025):

And a few details:

  • My mobile QYT KT-8900 radios have all channels programmed in, where as the Baofeng radios only have channels 0 to 127.
  • The Link columns identifies repeaters that are linked together.
  • I tried to roughly sort repeaters from North to South for the Island and West to East for the mainland, while trying to keep linked repeaters grouped together.
  • See the Commercial Frequencies section for more information about the non-ham frequencies listed.
  • The repeaters I hang out on most are on channels: 2, 3, 11, 24, 26, and 46
  • See the CHIRP How-To page for more details on using CHIRP.

If you notice any mistakes, please let me know.

links/radioprogramming.1736042600.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/04 18:03 by va7fi