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New Logo?

Our current logo presents a few challenges:

  • It's wider than it is high (21:16), which makes it a bit awkward for some web applications since it doesn't fit well in a square.
  • It has some very fine details (the tower, the ice cap, the water in the valleys) that don't scale down well.

In trying to solve these, I came up with a round alternative:

Current Logo New Logo

So the changes I made were to:

  • Change the shape from a triangle to a circle.
  • Change the colour of the water to a darker blue.
  • Fixed the sun and moved it behind the water.
  • Removed the snow cap.
  • Replace the tower and antenna with a simpler antenna symbol.

Here's what the front page of our website would look like:

And here's what the mobile phone bookmark buttons look like with each: mobilephone.jpg

What do you think?

blog/2019-08-30/new_logo.1567206670.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/30 16:11 by ve7hzf