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ARRL Field Day 2023

On Saturday June 24th, SCARCS participated in the annual ARRL Field Day. We set up at Maryanne West Park in Elphinstone (Area E). VE7TBN planned the event and did all the leg work. Thanks to VE7TBN. Unfortunately, VE7TBN was unable to attend at the last minute. We missed you Neil.

This was the first time the club has participated in Field Day since 2019.

Participating this year: VE7RG, VE7TBP, VA7LSP, VA7SMI, VE7JGZ, VA7RJQ, VE7NZR, VA7ILO, VA7HMB, VE7RBE. Special guest appearance from VA7AGG! Great to see you Alan.

VA7LSP was out Safety Officer.

The crew arrived at around 09:30 and began set up. We used VA7RJQ's ZS6BKW antenna. We used VE7TBP's cannon to get the antenna quite high in the trees.

VE7TBP put together a multiplexer and filters for 20/15/10m.

We had VA7HMB, VA7RJQ,and VE7RBE's 7300s for radios.

We had two solar panels in parallel and two batteries in parallel to run the radios.

We had VA7SMI's Jackery panel and battery system for running laptops.

As far as operating goes 10m was not active. We made a variety of contacts on 20 and 15m.

We had a special visit from the Area E Director - Donna McMahon.

It was a fun day. We had some people come and talk about radio with us and got a young person on the air.

Thanks to everyone who participated and VE7TBN for planning.

blog/2023-06-30/arrl_field_day_2023.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/30 10:37 by ve7rbe