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howto:hambasics:sections:test [2021/01/03 20:08] va7fihowto:hambasics:sections:test [2021/01/06 20:28] – [Differential Equations] va7fi
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 \$$ \Box ^2 = -25 \$$  \$$ \Box ^2 = -25 \$$ 
-It turns out that there is no //real// number such that when you multiply it by itself you get a negative number, but could we invent an //imaginary// one? +It turns out that there is no //real// number such that when you multiply it by itself you get a negative number.  But could we invent an //imaginary// one? 
 ===== Complex Numbers ===== ===== Complex Numbers =====
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 To convert between the Cartesian \$(a,b) \$ and the Polar \$ (r \angle \theta) \$ representations, only simple trigonometry and Pythagoras is needed. To convert between the Cartesian \$(a,b) \$ and the Polar \$ (r \angle \theta) \$ representations, only simple trigonometry and Pythagoras is needed.
-^ \$$ a + ib \rightarrow r\angle \theta \$$ ^ \$$ r\angle \theta \rightarrow a+ib \$$ |+^ \$$ (a, b) \rightarrow (r\angle \theta\$$ ^ \$$ (r\angle \theta\rightarrow (a, b)\$$ |
 | \$$ r^2 = a^2 + b^2 \$$  |  \$$ a = r\cos\theta \$$  | | \$$ r^2 = a^2 + b^2 \$$  |  \$$ a = r\cos\theta \$$  |
 | \$$ \tan \theta = \dfrac{b}{a} \$$ | \$$ b = r\sin\theta \$$ | | \$$ \tan \theta = \dfrac{b}{a} \$$ | \$$ b = r\sin\theta \$$ |
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 Note that very often, we use radians instead of degrees for the angle.  There are a total 360° or 2π radians in a circle.  While most people are used to degrees, a radian is actually much easier to picture: Note that very often, we use radians instead of degrees for the angle.  There are a total 360° or 2π radians in a circle.  While most people are used to degrees, a radian is actually much easier to picture:
   * Imagine a circle.   * Imagine a circle.
-  * Now imagine the length from the centre to the circle (along the ``radius").+  * Now imagine the length from the centre to the circle (along the "radius").
   * Take that length and lay it down on the perimeter of the circle.   * Take that length and lay it down on the perimeter of the circle.
   * The angle that this length covers is 1 radian (because of the length of the radius on the circle).   * The angle that this length covers is 1 radian (because of the length of the radius on the circle).
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 ===== Euler Identity and Polar-Cartesian Representations ===== ===== Euler Identity and Polar-Cartesian Representations =====
-In the previous section, we saw that a complex number \$z = a + ib \$ could be represented as a point \$(a, b)\$ on the complex plane, which could also be viewed in polar coordinates as \$r\angle \theta \$.  We saw that to convert between the Cartesian \$(a,b) \$ and the Polar \$ (r \angle \theta) \$ representations, only simple trigonometry and Pythagoras is needed:+In the previous section, we saw that a complex number \$z = a + ib \$ could be represented as a point \$(a, b)\$ on the complex plane, which could also be viewed in polar coordinates as (\$r\angle \theta\$.  We saw that to convert between the Cartesian \$(a,b) \$ and the Polar \$ (r \angle \theta) \$ representations, only simple trigonometry and Pythagoras is needed:
-^ \$$ a + ib \rightarrow r\angle \theta \$$ ^ \$$ r\angle \theta \rightarrow a+ib \$$ |+^ \$$ (a,b) \rightarrow (r\angle \theta\$$ ^ \$$ (r\angle \theta\rightarrow (a,b)\$$ |
 | \$$ r^2 = a^2 + b^2 \$$  |  \$$ a = r\cos\theta \$$  | | \$$ r^2 = a^2 + b^2 \$$  |  \$$ a = r\cos\theta \$$  |
 | \$$ \tan \theta = \dfrac{b}{a} \$$ | \$$ b = r\sin\theta \$$ | | \$$ \tan \theta = \dfrac{b}{a} \$$ | \$$ b = r\sin\theta \$$ |
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 ^ Algebraic |\$$z = a + ib\$$ |\$$ z = re^{i\theta} \$$ | ^ Algebraic |\$$z = a + ib\$$ |\$$ z = re^{i\theta} \$$ |
-This now allows us to simplify a lot of difficult mathematics.  For example let's look at the root problem \$z^3 = 8 \$.  Since the number 8 on the complex plane is the point \$(8,0)\$, in polar coordinates, it can be any of the following: \$8\angle 0, 8\angle 2\pi, 8\angle 4\pi, \cdots \$  This is because we can go around the circle as many times as we want and return to the same point.  Since we expect three roots, let's use the first three polar representations of 8:+This now allows us to simplify a lot of difficult mathematics.  For example let's look at the root problem \$z^3 = 8 \$ again.  Since the number 8 on the complex plane is the point \$(8,0)\$, in polar coordinates, it can be any of the following: \$8\angle 0, 8\angle 2\pi, 8\angle 4\pi, \cdots \$  This is because we can go around the circle as many times as we want and return to the same point.  Since we expect three roots, let's use the first three polar representations of 8:
 \$$ \$$
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 \$$z_1 = 1 + i = \sqrt{2}e^\left(i\frac{\pi}{4}\right) \quad \text{and} \quad z_2 = -1 + i = \sqrt{2}e^\left(i\frac{3\pi}{4}\right) \$$ \$$z_1 = 1 + i = \sqrt{2}e^\left(i\frac{\pi}{4}\right) \quad \text{and} \quad z_2 = -1 + i = \sqrt{2}e^\left(i\frac{3\pi}{4}\right) \$$
-Imagine having to add, subtract, multiply, divide or divide these together.  Or raise them to a power, or take a root of them.  Which of the two representations do you think would be easiest to use for each operation?+Imagine having to add, subtract, multiply, or divide these together.  Or raise them to a power, or take a root of them.  Which of the two representations do you think would be easiest to use for each operation?
 <hidden> <hidden>
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 This last result is the basis behind why [[howto/hambasics/sections/wavemodulationmath |modulating the amplitude]] of a carrier produces side bands. This last result is the basis behind why [[howto/hambasics/sections/wavemodulationmath |modulating the amplitude]] of a carrier produces side bands.
 +===== Differential Equations =====
 +In the physics of wave, we often have to find solutions to the following type of differential equations:
 +<WRAP center box 30em>
 +\$$ a \ddot{x}(t) + b \dot{x}(t) + c x(t) = 0 \$$
 +<WRAP center round info 80%>
 +  * A differential equation is an equation that relates a function to its derivatives in some ways and the question is: given some information about the system, what's the function (or family of functions) that satisfy the differential equation.
 +  * In physics we often use a dot above the function to indicate a derivative with respect to time, where as in math, we'll often use an apostrophe.  Physicists don't like the apostrophe too much because they sometimes use it to denote a different coordinate system.  So don't let the notation confuse you:
 +\$$ \dot{x}(t) = x'(t) = \frac{dx}{dt} \quad \text{and} \quad \ddot{x}(t) = x''(t) = \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} \$$
 +In our applications, the parameters  \$ a, b, c \$ are all real and positive quantities.  Even without having studied different equations in any depth, we can imagine that a possible solution to the above differential equation would be: \$ x(t)= e^{rt} \$  since the derivative of an exponential function is itself an exponential function, which is encouraging.
 +The next step is to try this ``test function'' in the differential equation and see if we can find the values of \$ r \$ that make it work.  First we'll need derivatives of the test function:
 +& x (t) = e^{rt} \\ 
 +\Rightarrow \qquad & \dot{x}(t) = r e^{rt} \\ 
 +\Rightarrow \qquad & \ddot{x}(t) = r^2 e^{rt} 
 +When we put these into the differential equation, we get:
 +& a \ddot{x}(t) + b \dot{x}(t) + c x(t) = 0 \\ 
 +\Rightarrow \qquad & a (r^2 e^{rt}) + b (r e^{rt}) + c (e^{rt}) = 0 \\ 
 +\Rightarrow \qquad & e^{rt} (a r^2 + b r + c ) = 0 \\ 
 +\Rightarrow \qquad & a r^2 + b r + c = 0 \\
 +\Rightarrow \qquad &r = - \dfrac{b}{2a} \pm \dfrac{\sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}
 +So what does that result mean?  Remember, what we're looking for is the function \$x(t)\$ that satisfies the differential equation \$ a \ddot{x}(t) + b \dot{x}(t) + c x(t) = 0 \$
 +What we've go so far says that our test function \$x(t) = e^{rt}\$ will satisfy the differential equation if \$r\$ is given by above equation.  There is still a lot to unpack however.  For example, since \$r\$ contains a square root, it could be real or complex depending on the values of \$a, b,\$ and \$c\$.  And as we saw above, if \$r\$ is real, then \$x(t)\$ will be a real exponential function.  But if \$r\$ is complex, then we can expect \$x(t)\$ to be some sort of sinusoidal function (recall the Euler Identity).
 +To simplify the notation, let's define \$\alpha\$ and \$\beta\$ as:
 +\$$ \alpha = \dfrac{b}{2a} \qquad \text{and} \qquad \beta = \dfrac{\sqrt{|{b^2 - 4ac}|}}{2a} \$$
 +Notice how the absolute value under the square root ensures that \$\beta\$ is always real.
 +\$r\$ then: 
 +\$$ r = \left\{ \begin{array}{rl} -\alpha \pm \beta & \text{if } b^2 - 4ac > 0,\\ 
 + -\alpha \pm i \beta & \text{if } b^2 - 4ac < 0, \end{array} \right. \$$
 +Let's examine both of these cases in more detail.
 +==== Case 1: Over Damped Oscillation ====
 +When \$ b^2 - 4ac > 0 \$ , \$ r \$ is real and the general solution is: 
 +x(t) &= A_1 e^{r_1 t} + A_2 e^{r_2 t} \\ 
 +&= A_1 e^{( -\alpha + \beta) t} + A_2 e^{( -\alpha - \beta) t} \\ 
 +&= A_1 e^{-\alpha t} e^{\beta t} + A_2 e^{-\alpha t} e^{-\beta t} 
 +\$$ x(t) = e^{-\alpha t} ( A_1 e^{\beta t} + A_2 e^{-\beta t} ) \$$
 +It's normal to have two constants of integration since our differential equation has a second degree derivative in it.  To find these constants, we'd need to know more about the system's initial conditions.
 +==== Case 2: Under Damped ====
 +When \$ b^2 - 4ac < 0 \$ , \$ r \$ is complex and we'll be using the Euler identity to simplify our solutions
 +x(t) &= A_1 e^{r_1 t} + A_2 e^{r_2 t} \\ 
 +&= A_1 e^{( -\alpha + i \beta) t} + A_2 e^{( -\alpha - i \beta) t} \\ 
 +&= A_1 e^{-\alpha t} e^{i \beta t} + A_2 e^{-\alpha t} e^{-i \beta t} \\ 
 +&= e^{-\alpha t} ( A_1 e^{i \beta t} + A_2 e^{-i \beta t} ) \\ 
 +&= e^{-\alpha t} \Big( A_1 \big(cos( \beta t) + i \sin( \beta t) \big) + A_2 \big(cos( -\beta t) + i \sin( -\beta t) \big) \Big) \\
 +&= e^{-\alpha t} \Big( A_1 \big(cos(\beta t) + i \sin(\beta t) \big) + A_2 \big(\cos(\beta t) - i \sin(\beta t)\big)\Big) \\ 
 +&= e^{-\alpha t} \Big( (A_1 + A_2) \cos(\beta t) + i (A_1 - A_2) \sin(\beta t) \Big) \\ 
 +&= e^{-\alpha t} \Big( a_1 \cos(\beta t) + a_2 \sin(\beta t) \Big) \\ 
 +&= e^{-\alpha t} \Big( A \sin \phi \cos(\beta t) + A \cos \phi \sin(\beta t) \Big)  \\
 +&= Ae^{-\alpha t} \Big(\sin \phi \cos(\beta t) + \cos \phi \sin(\beta t) \Big)  \\
 +In the last three lines, we've redefined the constants of integration a few times so that:
 +a_1 &= A_1 + A_2 & , a_2 &= i(A_1 - A_2) \\ 
 +a_1 &= A \sin \phi & , a_2 &= A \cos \phi 
 +And we finally use one of the trig identities we proved earlier to write the solution as:
 +\$$ x(t) = A e^{-\alpha t} \sin(\beta t + \phi) \$$
 +==== Case 3: Critically Damped ====
 +When \$ b^2 - 4ac = 0 \$ , \$ r = -\frac{b}{2a} \$ is real and negative but our test solution is under determined.  We'll instead propose a solution of the following type and test that it works:
 + && x(t) &= e^{rt}(A + Bt) \\
 +\Rightarrow && \dot x(t) &= re^{rt}(A + Bt) + Be^{rt} \\
 +            &&           &= e^{rt}\big(r(A + Bt) + B)\big) \\
 +            &&           &= e^{rt}(rA + B + Brt) \\
 +\Rightarrow &&\ddot x(t) &= re^{rt}(rA + B + Brt) + e^{rt}Br \\
 +            &&           &= e^{rt}\big(r(rA + B + Brt) + Br\big) \\
 +            &&           &= e^{rt}(Ar^2 + 2Br + Br^2t) \\
 +==== Exemple ====
 +Nous avons donc deux types de solutions complètement différents qui dépendent de trois paramètres \$ a, b, c \$. Pour voir comment ces paramètres affectent le graphique, imaginons qu'une de nos conditions initiales est \$ \phi = \frac{\pi}{2} \$ . Ça veut dire que:
 +\$ \begin{align*}
 +& a_1 = A \sin \pi/2 = A & & a_2 = A \cos \pi/2 = 0 \\ 
 +\Rightarrow \qquad & A_1 + A_2 = A & & A_1 - A_2 = 0 \\ 
 +\Rightarrow \qquad & A_1 = A/2 & & A_2 = A/2 
 +\end{align*} \$
 +Dans ce cas particulier, nous avons donc:
 +\$ \begin{equation*} x(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{rl} A e^{-\alpha t} \dfrac{e^{\beta t} + e^{-\beta t}}{2} & \text{si } b^2 - 4ac > 0 ,\\ 
 +A e^{-\alpha t} \cos(\beta t) & \text{si } b^2 - 4ac < 0 ,\\ 
 +\end{array} \right. \end{equation*} \$ 
 +FIXME Geogebra
howto/hambasics/sections/test.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/13 19:14 by va7fi