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Welcome to the Club!

This page contains information specific to our club. If you're a new ham, make sure you read this page first and then continue here.

Club Info

The first place to start is definitely our Club Info page. There you'll find information about our repeaters, coffee meetings, and executive should you have any questions.


Our regular Nets are a good place to chat with other members and test your equipment and your range. We recommend you program our repeater frequencies with a Tone Squelch since W7AVM on Whidbey Island in Washington State uses the same frequency as VE7RXZ.

Club Events

Our calendar of events contains all of the club events as well as some other events that might be of interest to our members. Clicking on an event (in green) will expend it and show more details.

If you'd like to add an item to our calendar, just email Patrick and he'll do it for you.

Website Access

Once you've paid your dues, we'll add your information to the (password protected) Member Contact Info page, and we will email you your user ID to log into the site. You can change your password here. This will allow you to access the Members' section, which contains contact information, meeting minutes, and other links.

You'll also be able to help edit and grow the site if you feel comfortable doing so.

  • First, have a look at the Syntax How-To page to see what the editing process looks like.
  • If you want to add/edit a section to an existing page, go ahead. =)
  • If you want to add a brand new page or make bigger edits, check with Patrick first so we can plan it together. :-?
  • You can also add a News Feed item to our front page. Have a look at our current News Feed to see what type of posts are there. Anything ham related or of interest to our club can be posted there. The more from different people the better!

  • All the changes made are tracked and archived by the wiki so don't be too worry about breaking something. If this happens, just let Patrick know and he'll be able to reverse the changes easily. You can also try to reverse the changes yourself if you want; it's not too hard.

We have a shared folder on that allows members to access shared files.

  • To create an account, use this referral link, which will give both the club and you an extra 1GB of storage.
  • Once your account is created, send Patrick an email to let him know and he'll share the club's folder with you. Also let him know which email address you've used for the registration if it's different than the one you usually use.
  • We also encourage you to download and install the computer program and the phone app. They make sharing files with the rest of the members really easy.

Once you have access to the Club's shared drive, keep this very important thing in mind:

Any edit or deletion you make will propagate to everyone's copy. Even moving a file out of the shared folder into a local folder will delete it from everyone else's shared folder.


Finally, have a look at the ever expending How-To section and feel free to add any new topic that is mildly ham related. We have a lot of collective knowledge and the more we share it, the better it is for everyone.

Since this can potentially be a big section, all new pages in this section should be within the How-To namespace. To do this, simply add /links/ before the new page name. For example, the link to this page is /links/newmembers.

Club Branded Apparel

West Coast Logo (at 5714 Cowrie St, Sechelt) has our logo on file to put on apparel. Club members can purchase branded clothing with their name and/or callsign.1)


The club assumed the initial cost associated with digitizing the logo, but each member is responsible for the cost of the clothing and for the addition of the logo and callsign.
links/newmembers.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/24 13:20 by va7fi