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Membership Due

By becoming a member, you help maintain our repeater system and give the club a stronger voice in regional and provincial amateur radio affairs. Members also get write access to our website and read/write access to the Members area. Here's a quick how-to page for new members.

  • The membership fee is $25.00 for individuals (or $35.00 for a family membership) and is due by April 1st.1) But new members can join at any time.
  • Cheques are payable to Sun Coast Amateur Radio Club Society and should be sent to Steve, VA7SMI. Contact him by phone (604-886-1795) or email for more details.
As per section 1.04 of the Bylaws: “Members whose fees are delinquent after April will be reminded in May of this fact. Any members that have still not paid their dues after the monthly meeting in June will cease to be in good standing and their membership will be terminated without any further notice.”
blog/2021-04-02/membership_due.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/24 12:46 by va7fi