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APRS is a two-way tactical real-time digital communications system between all assets in a network sharing information about everything going on in the local area. On ham radio, this means if something is happening now, or there is information that could be valuable to you, then it should show up on your APRS radio in your mobile.

Basically, the way it works is:

  • Your APRS capable radio transmits data on 144.39 Mhz (in North America).
  • Someone else's APRS capable radio hears that data and can display it, store it, and re-transmit it to extend the range of the network.


APRS-IS is the common name given to the Internet-based network which inter-connects various APRS radio networks throughout the world.

Basically, the way it works is:

  • Your APRS capable radio connected to a computer and sends what it hears to the internet (this configuration is called an IGate).
  • Others can view this information online or using various apps. For example, see and APRSdroid 1)

FIXME: Please add a list of radios that can do APRS on their own.


Pinpoint is a Windows program for APRS. pinpoint.jpg


To use with Signalink, see the Signalink How-to.

Once the radio, the Signalink, and the Soundmodem are configured, start PinPoint and change these settings:


  • Network Kiss Port (8100) in the PinPoint settings needed to be changed to match the SoundModem settings.
  • Also, the Serial TNC Settings don't matter since they are not being used by Network Kiss.


You'll sometimes see a dash number after the callsign, this is called an SSID and they have different meaning depending on whether you're on APRS or Winlink. See the SSID How-To for more info.

Note that APRSdroid is free of charge when downloaded from the developer's website, but costs $5 when installed from Google Play.
links/aprs.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/24 13:20 by va7fi